Space & Time

Something we utterly treasure, living in Europe, are mealtimes with other families and guests in our home.  When sharing a meal with another family, there’s no often no rushing off to games or telly. There’s a heightened sense of lingering in each other’s presence.  Dinner can begin at 6pm and last until 10pm. After the [...]


“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith;  if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness” Romans [...]

“Something’s Happening Here” – 5

In the “Something’s Happening Here” discussion, we looked at the following things that occur during gathered (in-person) worship in music: We declare God’s worth, character, truths, and the Gospel to ourselves, one another and unbelieving attendees (visitors.) We commune relationally with God in His Presence When we sing as the gathered church, we have an opportunity [...]

“Something’s Happening Here” – 2

In my previous post on “Something’s Happening Here”, we looked at the fact that during gathered (in-person) worship in music, we declare God’s worth, character, truths, and the Gospel to ourselves, one another and unbelieving attendees (visitors.) This time, we're briefly looking at the reality that during gathered worship, we commune relationally with God in [...]

There’s Something Happening Here…

When I first began attending an evangelical, (non-charismatic), Gospel preaching church I could tell something was different.  If you had asked me then to describe what I experienced I would say, “something spiritual.”  I now know I was experiencing the reality of the Holy Spirit moving on my heart. Years after coming to faith, and [...]

Significant Six: The Upward Call of the Church Music Leader

Thanks to those who have given feedback – either online or in person.  It’s been great to continue these conversations. During my 20+ years in music ministry, I’ve had the opportunity to work with several music-leader (worship band leader) interns. It can be a great joy or an immense frustration. In all cases, it adds [...]